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Tuesday, August 28, 2012


One of the most difficult things to make people understand is that there is more than enough of everything for everyone. The problem, as I see it, is that because people see something as out of reach, they think it's not theirs to have.

Actually, when people see something as out of reach, one of three things happens:
1. They reach out anyway and get what they want;
2. They reach out, don't get what they want, and never attempt to reach again.
3. They look, but never reach at all.

Those who reach out and get what they want are the ones who actually go all out to get what they want. The reaching is nothing more than putting in the required work to achieve the desired results. These people are vastly outnumbered by people in the other two categories.

Those who reach out; don't get what they want, and never attempt to reach again are the people who give up on what they're reaching for when they face any signs of adversity while they were reaching. Either no one told them that there would be rough patches along the way, or they just knew they were special enough or cute enough or connected enough to where they could just bypass those rough patches. These people feel as though they're above earning what they're yearning, which is why they never get what they want.

And then there are those who never reach at all and these people are the saddest. These are the people who have resigned themselves to accepting their circumstances because they don't believe they are supposed to have more. Their entire existence becomes one huge comfort zone.

Now if you are friends with people like this, guess what? You live inside of their comfort zone. You never asked to be there, but there you are. Now ... as long as you don't rock the boat and you just go with the flow there aren't any problems. However, if you decide that you want more out of your life, that's when all hell going to break loose because when you see yourself having more and go about doing more, that friend of yours sees less in him- or herself, and you become a threat to their comfort zone.

These are the people who believe that not everyone can be wealthy, but the fact of the matter is this ... Everyone could become wealthy if they were willing to learn and follow the rules acquire wealth. So, it's not that everyone can't become wealthy because there's not enough wealth in the world. The reality is everyone can't become wealthy because not everyone is willing to do what's required to become wealthy.

So what's required of us to become wealthy? MORE. We have to be willing to do more. How much? MORE. How much more? As much more as it takes to achieve your goal. Now, what exactly do you have to do? That depends on what you want to accomplish. The one thing I can guarantee you is that it's going to take time, and that is where people begin to lose hope.

People begin to lose hope because they're impatient, and when what they want to have doesn't come as quickly as they dreamed it would, they don't see it happening at all.
When people don't see something as possible for themselves, they don't see it as being possible for anyone. Yet and still, people all over the world become wealthy every day. You see, just because the world stops spinning for you, doesn't mean it stops spinning. You might quit, but the next person won't.

All it takes is the right idea, the right product or service, to reach the right person at the right time. You may have no control over who the right person is. You may have even less control over when the right time is, but if you've got the right idea, the right product and or the right service, you've got 40%-60% of the problem solved.

Many of the reasons why so many people do not have as much as they could have in this life are the false beliefs that:
1. There is not enough wealth in the world for them to have more of what they want;
2. They weren't born with the right last name;
3. They weren't born in the right zip code, or the people who do have more are just hoarding it all and keeping everyone else from having more.

Here's the thing. These beliefs are both 100% true and 100% crap depending on what you believe. If you believe that there's not enough wealth in the world for you to have some of it, then you will never be inspired to go after any of it. You'll just be stuck with whatever is left over.

It was Abraham Lincoln who said "Good things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle." On the other hand, if you believe that there's a million dollars somewhere out there with your name on it, all you have to do is find it. And guess what? That's going to take some work. So you see ... the reality is not that there isn't enough wealth to go around. The reality is that there are not enough people who are willing to work for it.

The "Occupy Wall Street" movement created new buzzwords like "the 99%" and the "1%." Well, for years I have said that 90% of the world's wealth is owned by 10% of the population. I'll even take it a couple steps further ... Everyone within the sound of my voice has at SOME point their lives watched television. Well, the average cast of a TV show is somewhere between 5 to 8 people.

The sheer numbers alone show that there are more people watching TV than there are people on TV, right? Yet when you turn off that TV, who has more money in the bank, the watcher or the performer? The performer. I submit to you that successful people will always be in the minority because successful people are always the ones who are willing to do more.

When you watch a play or a concert or even listen to a new CD, you're witnessing a one-time event; and if performed well, it may be a flawless performance. What you don't see are the countless hours of practice put in. Any successful person will tell you that it takes years of hard work in order to become an "overnight sensation."

In a world where the spending power of African American's - if measured as a country would place us as the world's 16 wealthiest country ... In a world where the spending power is set to be upwards of $1.1 Trillion dollars by 2015 ... I submit to you that there is more wealth in the world than we know what to do with. I submit to you that when you make the time to take the time to learn what to do with some of it, you'll soon get your piece of it. I submit to you that you can have what you want and you can be what you want ... provided you are willing to do what will be required of you.

There is more than enough wealth for all of us to have some because there will always be those who quit and give up on their dreams. As long as you provide quality value, you will get your share.

HRJR Enterprises ™ 2012 - All Rights Reserved.


  1. I tell you, you brought it with this one. Now, I am one who believes that you have those in life that are not wealthy (financially) simply because they don't want all that... To whom much is given much is required and not every one wants it. They have their comforts and life is good for them. But, I say to those that are complaining about not being wealthy, it is time we stood up and lived out what HR is saying.
    When the tough and rough starts happening, that is when the muscles are built any way.
    So, as for me, I am willing to do MORE. I am determined and I know that it will show fruit for me!

  2. My Response to Wealth Is Something In Never Ending Abundance

    I agree with this post 100%. You said “Actually, when people see something as out of reach, one of three things happens: 1. They reach out anyway and get what they want; 2. They reach out, don't get what they want, and never attempt to reach again. 3. They look, but never reach at all. I agree with all of this but there is a fourth thing that happens. Les Brown points out that too many people aim too low and hit. Have you heard the term “hood-rich”? Too many people are happy with just being hood rich. Hood-rich meaning that if I have the most things in my poor neighborhood and that is good enough for me. I may not own my home but nobody does so that is ok with me. I may not have many things real wealthy people have but because I have more than everyone else around me I believe I am happy. If most of the people around me are unemployed and I have a job, I am hood-rich. If most of the people around me are on the bus and I have a really nice car, I am hood-rich. Too many people really need to set their goals higher. Raise the bar as Les Brown would say.

    Merika Reagan, MA, CDW
