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Friday, August 3, 2012

The Power & Benefit of Networking

1 comment:

  1. My Response to The Power and Benefit of Networking

    Thanks for the inspiration. I was just writing about the difficulties of forming my team. I totally agree 100% with your Ziglar quote about helping others get what they want being the way to getting what you want. I really do go to these networking events asking folks “What do you do and how can I help?” This is a change for me. When I first began networking it was to recruit volunteers for (motivating, inspiring, serving and supporting sexually exploited youth). At that time my approach was all wrong. I would ask people if they had ever heard of misssey and then get onto my soap box on how they can help. Sometimes this worked but often times it did not. I then learned to go to networking events and ask people “What do you do and how can we work together? And then go onto my soap box. This was a little more effective but not much. Lately I have been more willing to help just for the sake of helping and it seems to me that I have not seen it come back yet. You video seems to be telling me to just keep it up and know that it will pay off when it is supposed to. Thanks HRJR.

    Merika Reagan, MA, CDW
