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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Dealing with Disagreeable People ©

It's almost 5am and instead of being deep in slumber, I am deep in thought. So this is me exorcising a little mental demon.

I'm not always right. I'm not always wrong. I speak my mind in my space, not in anyone else's. But I'm really curious as to why is it so important to some people that I care if they disagree with me if they're only disagreeing for the sake of being disagreeable?

Them: You're wrong.
Me: Can you prove me wrong?
Them: I disagree with what you said.
Me: That doesn't make me wrong, but I accept that you disagree.
Them: I can't talk to you.
Me: Because you disagree, or because I can accept that you disagree without changing my position?
Them: You only want to talk to people who agree with you.
Me: Not necessarily, but how does your disagreement benefit either of us? Why not just acknowledge that what I said doesn't work for YOU and keep it moving?
Them: You never listen.
Me: Interesting ... I disagree. Here's a question, if you disagree with me so much, why do you pay me any attention at all?
Them: .....

There are a good 4 or 5 people I have this kind of conversation with several times a year. I don't speak to everyone. I speak to those who are willing to receive what I have to say. If some people are not receptive to it, then it wasn't for them to receive. I just find it amusing that people get upset if I say something they don't get or want to accept. It's like they've come to see me do something for them that I didn't deliver. The only thing is ... They CHOOSE to be in a space where they receive my commentary.

Therefore, I have decided to post my thoughts & beliefs here from now on. Anyone reading HERE has made a conscious effort to be here and thus must assume accountability for their own discomfort or disagreement and can take that yoke and put it back around their own necks.

Ahhh ... I feel so much better now ... Good Night/Morning.

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