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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Priorities ... And the Importance Thereof

It never ceases to amaze me how people like to impute their priorities on someone else's life. I just don't get it. Personally, what's important to me is important to me. I have come to learn not too very long ago that many of the things I deem important are not equally or even fractionally as important to many others, and I've learned to be cool with it. I don't go about forcing what I deem important upon someone else, nor do I particularly care if they do their own thing.

It's one thing to be considerate of what's important to others. We all should strive to be that way, but the reality is there are few people who are that considerate. If you've got one or more people in your life who are considerate of what's important to you, cherish them because they are rare. For everyone else ... Those people who tolerate what's important to you rather than respect it; be respectful to them, but above all else stay true to what's important to you.

Most, if not many people want
everyone else to see things their way. They want what's important to them to be just as - if not more important to you. In all honesty, I'm no different to the extent that I welcome agreement. But I'm not chasing down and fighting to convince anyone who disagrees with me, and I think that's something that perturbs people because I'll make a statement and someone will say "I disagree," as if at that point I was supposed to totally go 180 degrees from my position. And the wild thing is, it's not that the person can or does prove me wrong, they just want to disagree.

But hey ... To each his (or her) own. Go on and disagree. But what's important to me is important to me. What's important to you, is important to you. If the paths converge, beautiful. If they don't ... Hey ... Life still goes on.

And I'm gonna do me.

Forgive me ... Just had to vent.


  1. Harold...I would be the first one to say that I don't agree with everything that you say and I am sure that you can say the same about me. We can't all take up the same crosses in life. We each have our own to carry. We all grew up differently and all have a different perspective in life. That, to me, is what makes life so interesting. I respect what you do, and I;d like to think that you respect what I do. But even if you don't, I'm still going to do me. :)

    1. Here's the thing Dan ... Unlike most people, I can disagree and keep it moving without even saying a word to the person with whose statement or activities I may disagree. More often than not it's more about the disagreeable person wanting to be heard than the quality of the issue at hand.

      What's important to someone else is just that ... important to them and it's not subject to my approval. Funny thing is, I have a plethora of people in my life who cannot reciprocate that same courtesy.
