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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Burger King Workers Striking for $30K Salaries ... REALLY?!

Whose fault is it that many of these people used the prime earning years of his life working at Burger King. It's really tripping me out how people go through high school bullsh@tting, don't go to college or learn a trade, then have the NERVE to make babies, get the only job they're qualified to do and then expect to be making the same kind of money that college graduates make?

I'm all for people making a living wage, and I understand that times have been and are hard for many Americans, but let's be real ... What we're really looking at are a great many decent people who didn't do what they were supposed to do when they had the opportunity to do it and now they're stuck. Is it sad, yes ... But this is real life and people often don't think about the future, then when the future they never imagined or dreamed about in their worst nightmares becomes their present - their reality, then it's the economy's fault ... or the government's fault, or the greedy corporations' fault.


Forgive me (or don't), but this is what happens when parents "let kids be kids" and don't prepare them for the real world. I have a niece who's 15 years old and every time we're spending quality time together I ask her about her plans for college and what kind of work she wants to do when she's on her own. Sure she's a sophomore in high school, but at least her wheels stay turning. Many parents don't have these kinds of conversations with their kids.

If you have teenagers now, you had better be preparing the, for what's out there. I refuse to have my boys fighting for a so-called livable wage. I want my boys to be living in excess, and the earlier I prepare them to do that the sooner they will be able to eat at Burger King, but never have to worry about a paycheck from there ...

Unless it's their summer job while in high school ... or a profit statement if they someday OWN a Burger King.

I'm all for people making

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