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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sometimes the Most Complex Problems Have the Most Simplest Solutions.

A couple days ago, my wife called me & asked me if I would give a free consultation to a gentleman she met. He's trying to turn his life around by selling purses. So he called me about an hour or so later and he told me that he was "desperate." The first thing I instructed him to do was change the vocabulary he fed his mind. What you feed you mind, your body will manifest, and what your project toward the world, the world will respond in kind.

He told me he was "inspired" to sell purses because a relative of his is doing it and doing well at it. My first question to him was "do you have ANY experience in sales?" to which he replied, "None, and I don't know what I'm going to do, that's why your wife suggested I speak with you." My advice to him ... "There's a place where you can go to get the answers you need ... FOR FREE. That place is called the LIBRARY. Get yourself a library card, have the librarian direct you to the books about Sales and begin educating yourself."

The gentleman was genuinely shocked that he had never thought about going to the library. Sometimes the Most Complex Problems Have the Most Simplest Solutions.

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