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Thursday, November 15, 2012

My "A-Ha! Moment"

If I didn't challenge or question the Bible I would not be inspired to search within it for its wisdom. Personally I prefer to read scriptures for myself and make my own interpretations because if there truly is a day upon which I'm going to be judged, I am almost certain that I'm not going to be judged based on what some preacher said. I'm going to be judged by my actions. Those actions result from my choices, and those choices are a result of how I interpreted that which I took in.

Sometimes you hear things and they just rattle around in your brain until on a particular day something happens and then whatever it was falls into place and clicks. When that happens things just instantly make sense. I believe Oprah popularized a phrase that sums it up best, that being an "A-Ha! Moment."

My life is not perfect and full of smiles. Sometimes - like everyone else - I be going through some things (LOL)! And while processing some of the things I'm dealing with and going through, I had such an "A-Ha! Moment," and in the process of processing, a scripture I heard long ago became specifically relevant to me.

The book of Matthew tells how Jesus traveled all over teaching and healing, but when he returned home to Nazareth, his own people challenged and ridiculed him. According to Chapter 13 - Verse 57, Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household." And because of their disbelief he did not perform his works there.

"A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household."

Depending on the size of your dream or vision, there will be times those closest to you will be the ones who strive to shatter your dreams. Or at the very least, they will not show you the same respect that you've earned from strangers. All you can do is do your work where it is most appreciated.

There will be people close to you whom you do things for but they will be ungrateful. There will be people close to you whom you try to counsel and advise, but they will disregard your words and heed the same things said by someone else. Instead of fretting over their lack of gratitude; leave them be just as Jesus did, and go out into the world and change the lives of those strangers who will appreciate it.

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