Many people get comfortable (complacent) right where they are. It takes no effort whatsoever to get comfortable. You may have to shift an inch or two here or there, but there's no sweat equity required to be comfortable (complacent).
Contrary to popular belief, wealth exists in abundance in this world. It's like a buffet ... You can walk up to the counter and take as many different items as you like. The person in front of you might only want one piece of shrimp (or a $30K/yr paying job), but you might want FIVE pieces of shrimp (6-7 figures).
It all boils down to what you're willing to work for, how many battles you're willing to fight, how many betrayals and setbacks you're willing to endure. These are the things to fear in becoming wealthy ... In comparison, what's there to fear about being broke? When you have the answer to that you'll realize why there are so many more broke people than wealthy people.